Sports Betting 2up App – Bet on Both Sides and Win

Is it a real dream? Are you able to win a bet by betting on both sides in a sport contest? Can you imagine a winner who is a major player? Answer: surprisingly, yes. The fact is, it’s a thing that doesn’t get talked about much. You can make money betting on NBA games by taking both sides. It’s very simple and easy to implement. Are you prepared? We are about to begin.

Fundamentals of Line-Movements & Basics

Based on the concept that NBA lines are usually adjusted up or down for each NBA match. The team that opens as 2 points favorite may close with 2 points favorite but, at some point during the day it could be up to 5 point favorites. NBA’s totals line is constantly in flux. A game may start with 192, and finish at 196. Normal line movements of between 3-4 totals points occur on the lines.

In order to execute this betting strategy, you will need to wager on each team at different times. Some games do not allow this type of betting strategy because they have a moving line. As previously mentioned, most games have a totals-line that moves. You must follow four basic rules:

You should always bet the underdog, even if the favorites are the favorites.
You should always bet your favorite if the line drops.
You must then bet the opposite of the bet you made on the previous line.
When the betting line drops, if you had bet under you would need to wager over.

After we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at an NBA totals sample.

The Betting Example

Miami Heat is the example. They are a 3-point favorite at home, and they play against N.Y. Knicks. Lines are open for the over/under of the game at 168. The math is not difficult to figure out.

$100 is the initial stake you place on the OVER 168. In the course of the day you keep track of the betting line and see that it has moved from 168 to 173. The 5 point difference is enough for you to make $110 by betting on 173. There are two tickets on the table and these are their possible outcomes sukan 2up.

This game could end either at 169 points or 174. The game ends at 169 or 174.
It is possible to end the game at/over/under 174. The game is considered a “push” and your wagering loss only applies to one ticket.
It is possible to finish the game with either 168 points or 173. It is possible to win both tickets if you push one. You have just won $90.00. ($100 minus vig)
It can either end at 169.170.171 or with 172. The winning ticket is worth $190.

If you play our example, your worst case scenario is to lose $10. You can expect to win as much as $190 in the worst-case scenario. That’s 19 times what you risked.


But what is the catch? What’s the catch? Imagine you had bet the OVER 168. The line did not change. This is the bet you have chosen. You can bet as much you want if this is what you prefer. But if you just bet hoping the ball would move you will have a bad bet.

2up Sports telah menyesuaikan diri dengan era web3 dan gelombang internet mudah alih, dengan menumpukan pada konsep kepribadian, kesehatan, gaya, popularitas, tren baru, serta konsep sosialisasi sepanjang hari bagi generasi muda tahun 00-an.

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